CBD For Cerebral Palsy 

Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a range of medical conditions that affect the brain and mobility rather than a specific condition. It’s a lifelong disorder brought on by a flaw in the brain’s development, which commonly occurs before birth. However, some children develop cerebral palsy as a result of brain injury sustained at or shortly after birth.

Cerebral palsy symptoms aren’t often obvious right after a kid is delivered. A doctor may need two or three years to give an appropriate diagnosis. Since there is no cure for this condition, doctors recommend medications to manage muscle stiffness, speech therapy for improving communication, physiotherapy for improving mobility, etc.

CBD For Cerebral Palsy

It’s important to remember that there’s no definite evidence connecting CBD to a reduction in the symptoms of cerebral palsy. Scientists have come up with a few hypotheses about how CBD could help cerebral palsy sufferers.

During a clinical experiment conducted in 2012, the researchers gave 30 multiple sclerosis patients with treatment-resistant spasticity either a placebo or smoked cannabis. When compared to MS patients who took the placebo, those who utilized cannabis had less spasticity. There were also considerable decreases in pain perception.

Many individuals with cerebral palsy have seizure problems as a result of their condition. CBD, on the other hand, is quickly establishing a reputation for lowering the frequency of seizures linked with illnesses like LGS and Dravet syndrome. The FDA authorized Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication used to alleviate seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.

What Does The Research Say About CBD And Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy has a huge impact on a child’s life and that of their family. Every year, up to 10,000 kids are born with the disease. Despite this, about 1,500 children are not diagnosed until they start school. More than half of children with cerebral palsy cannot walk on their own, and parents are looking at every option available to manage this condition.

The effect of CBD on 36 children with cerebral palsy was studied in a 2017 study done by the Wolfson Medical Center. The scientists administered cannabis oil three times a day to kids via a feeding tube or orally after analyzing them for two months to guarantee their circumstances were stable. Their condition had improved noticeably after only four months.