CBD Side Effects

In the same way how paint protects your grills from getting rusty, cannabinoids help protect your cell from oxidation


One of those waypoints with which we are able to gauge how healthy we are is our body’s ability to manage oxidative stress. This is a process that occurs in the tiniest cellular level. The energy that is created in the cell also yields another by-product or more so waste products called free radicals.

What Are These Free Radicals And How Do They Come About?

Free radicals are generated when you are stressed and overly exposed to environmental toxins, such as smog or grim, even toxins you put into your body such as fluoride.

You may recall what you learnt in your high school biology class about unpaired electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles that gain stability and a lowered energy level when they are paired. If an electron is left to itself, then it will pull another electron from a neighboring cell which results in a domino effect. The effect of these free radicals is damage to your DNA!

The way to stop and neutralize free radicals is by the use of antioxidants. Striking a balance between free radicals that available to stop the free radicals and the free radicals is important. If left to themselves, the free radicals will begin to steal particles from your DNA, which can lead to cancerous growth, heart disease, autism, atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s and stroke to name a few. The damage is what is called oxidation.

CBD & Antioxidation

Antioxidants are the molecules that act as the electron donors and give out electrons to these “lonely” electrons, and prevent the need for it to ever steal from a healthy neighbor. Antioxidants are produced in the body and can be obtained from a variety of food stuffs. CBD is one such source of powerful antioxidants-more powerful than vitamin C or E.

Similar to the entourage effect that is produced by the cannabinoids, CBD has a “network effect” that allows for all the antioxidants to work and support one another. The cumulative and synergistic effects add up and give the body a better rounded benefit. Including a full-spectrum CBD into the mix is the best and will help you get this “network effect” much better!

CBD benefits are far beyond CBD’s side effects. There is no doubt that CBD is a multi-faceted fighter but you can be rest assured that this is a benefit that it can add as another feather in its cap.