CBD Medical

Because of its medical benefits and non-psychotropic quality, there is a demand for CBD medical products among the general public. It is a well-known fact that it enhances the endocannabinoid system and thereby promotes good cardiovascular and neurological function resulting in an overall well being of the individual. Its many medical benefits is achieved through multiple molecular pathways. CBD also controlls many ion channels and non-cannabinoid receptors. It has more than 65 target points across our body and its effect over them varies. Read on to know how CBD activates different molecular receptors which results in its therapeutic and medical benefits.

Serotonin Receptors

Higher concentrations of CBD activates 5-H1TA receptors resulting in its anti anxiety property. This receptor belongs to the 5-HT receptors that are activated by serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that modulates body temperature, sleep, mood, appetite and many vital biological functions.

TRPV1 Receptors

The abbreviation of TRPV is “transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V”. CBD attaches to these receptors that also function as ion channels. These receptors are known to modulate inflammation, homeostasis and pain perception. Their other name is Vanilloid receptors. Hence CBD pain relief medications and analgesics.

GPR55 Receptors

They are also known as “orphan receptors” because scientists do not know  whether they belong to a larger family of receptors like the 5-HT. It is found in the cerebellum of the brain and is involved in regulating blood pressure and bone density. They are associated with the functioning of Osteoclasts that are critical in the maintenance, repair and remodelling of bones.Hyper-active GPR55 receptor signalling results in osteoporosis. CBD is known to deactivate or restrict these receptors; therefore it has huge potential in the treatment of bone disease or as a supplement for treating weak bones in older people.

PPAR Receptors

These control the genes that are associated with insulin sensitivity, lipid uptake and other metabolic functions. PPAR-gamma activation can reduce the proliferation as well as result in the tumour regression in human lung cancer cell.  It breaks down amyloid-beta plaque that is responsible in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. CBD can activate the PPAR receptors on the surface of the cell’s nucleus and hence it is useful in the treatment of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetics.

Anandamide and Adenosine Reuptake Inhibitor

Transporter protein molecules pump neurotransmitter molecules from synaptic cleft back into presynaptic cells and this process is called reuptake. CBD can inhibit the reuptake of Anandamide into the cell and thereby increasing its levels in the synapses.  This may be the reason CBD is effective in treating epileptic seizures. Similarly, by inhibiting Adenosine reuptake it increases the levels of A1A and A2A adenosine receptors that have anti-inflammatory properties.

From above the therapeutic and medical benefits of CBD are obvious. Researches across the globe can reveal many other medical potential of CBD.