Is CBD Beneficial In Managing Multiple Sclerosis?

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CBD For Multiple Sclerosis
CBD For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a medical condition in which the immune system present in the body assaults the central nervous system (CNS). Scientists are still attempting to figure out what causes MS, but the prevailing consensus is that a combination of environmental and genetic factors is to blame. Multiple sclerosis affects around 2.3 million people in the United States at the moment. The majority of patients diagnosed are in their 20s and 50s, and the reason why some people have this ailment while others do not is still unknown.

Multiple sclerosis wreaks havoc on the nerve fibers’ protective coating. When the CNS detects scars left by an overly aggressive immune system, it sends erroneous signals to the brain, resulting in a variety of symptoms. Some of the symptoms are moderate, such as extreme exhaustion, while others experience severe pain, involuntary muscular cramping, memory and focus problems, and visual problems. 

CBD For Multiple Sclerosis

Researchers looked at prior reports from MS patients who have used cannabis to treat their symptoms in a 2009 study to see if a combination of CBD and THC could help with spasticity. THC and CBD were tested in capsules and oral sprays in each of the articles reviewed. The THC content of these products was often higher than the CBD content, resulting in a decrease in spasticity. Patients tolerate THC/CBD solutions well, according to the scientists, and negative effects aren’t necessarily due to cannabis alone.

Sativex, a pharmacological spray, was being studied in 2016 to see if it could help MS patients with muscle spasms. Sativex is an oral solution containing a 1:1 mix of CBD and THC. The spray was created to help people with multiple sclerosis deal with nerve pain, increased urination, stiffness, and other symptoms. Researchers looked at self-reported data from hundreds of MS patients who had been taking the treatment for a year. 70 % saw a 20 % improvement in muscle spasticity, whereas 28 % of the patients saw a 30 % improvement. The treatment was unsuccessful for roughly 39% of the patients.

Are There Any Negative Effects Of Treating Multiple Sclerosis With CBD?

Experts suggest there aren’t many negative side effects when it comes to CBD. Cannabidiol has extremely few negative effects when compared to the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs used to treat multiple sclerosis. CBD only has negative side effects when used in high doses. Drowsiness, dry mouth, exhaustion, low blood pressure, and other side effects may occur if you consume too much CBD.

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