CBD For Heart Failure

Cannabidiol is usually traded as an OTC (over-the-counter) product, as well as promoted with many different health claims. Anyhow, many health experts are still unsure as to whether CBD for heart failure is an effective and safe treatment option.

Individuals with congestive heart failure should realize that human research has not demonstrated that cannabidiol has considerable cardiovascular benefits, said Scott Lundgren of Nebraska Medicine. Anyhow, some pieces of research indicate that cannabidiol may make certain cardiovascular symptoms better. Read on to discover more about those studies.

  • In a 2017 study from England, cannabidiol improved diastolic blood pressure as well as blood pressure increases associated with stress in individuals who had no heart condition.
  • Various pieces of animal research show that cannabidiol could not only improve the process of arteries opening for better circulation of blood, but it could also lessen inflammation.
  • Another recent study involved over 160,000 individuals who were admitted to hospitals due to heart failure and who used marijuana. The study discovered that those marijuana users were less likely to die, plus they had shorter hospitalization periods. Anyhow, those findings do not necessarily mean that cannabidiol could also produce effects identical to the above-mentioned.

The US federal law does not allow marketing cannabidiol as either a component added to any food item or dietary supplement. Further, the FDA may have approved a CBD product for some epileptic issues, but never expect OTC CBD to be effective or safe as heart failure treatment, said Lundgren.

This health expert said that cannabidiol may lack the same therapeutic properties and that it can cause gastrointestinal (GI) distress such as diarrhea or reduced appetite. He also said that CBD items are likely to have unknown components, plus those may be inaccurately labeled.

The liver breaks down the cannabidiol content. In the said digestion process, cannabidiol is likely to interfere with that user’s medicine made for congestive heart failure/alternative heart condition. Cannabidiol can interact with beta-blockers, some statins, warfarin, nitrates, and calcium channel blocker drugs. That interaction between cannabidiol and the other product may have an unwanted effect. Many people may describe it as a CBD side effect, but this is not true.

It is also worth noting that just because cannabidiol is a herbal product, it does not mean that the compound works safely for any health condition. That means we cannot make any substantiated claim about CBD and congestive heart failure until further research-backed evidence about both comes.